ban music containing lyrics that glorify violent and criminal lifestyles

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Some people believe that song lyrics which glorify violence and criminal lifestyles should be banned. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a ban.

Music has played a significant role in human’s life for a long time. Not a kind of recreational activity only, listening to
music also became a therapy, an educational technique and much more. With this powerful effect on our life, some people advocate for the ban on violent and criminal-related song lyrics. Whether it is a good or bad idea will be discussed in this piece of writing. From my perspective, the ban on music containing lyrics that glorify violence and criminal lifestyles may limit the creativity as well as the freedom of expression of composers.
This can be a noticeable drawback because many people believe that art is like a mirror and it should reflect society’s way of life.
However , the benefits of eliminating this kind of music are much more significant.
First of all, parents and teachers will feel more safe when their children and students surf the internet, without the concern they will interact with dark contents. It is easy to realize when children, teenagers and the youth watch these music videos, they are vulnerable to be corrupted.
This is because they would think that the criminal lifestyle which is described in those videos is ‘cool’ and try to imitate it. It is almost impossible to expect youngsters to decide what’s right and what’s wrong because they are all influenced by their surroundings.
Secondly, the policy against violence will encourage artists to promote peace and tolerance in our society throughout their music. While growing up, we were taught that fighting is not a positive way of survival and unacceptable at whatever <any> cost.
Music, with the purpose of education, can nurture people’s mind to avoid violence but focus more on the bright side of every situation. In conclusion, considering the negative effect of violent contents on our future generation, I do believe there will be more pros than cons of a ban on music containing lyrics that promote violence.