What is a Digital Management System?

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After extensive research, development, and customer experience, CollabWorks has implemented an elegant yet powerful architecture that digitizes the work, use of talent, and the value of both.

New Class of SaaS

A Digital Management System (DMS) is a new class of enterprise SaaS software that simplifies managing work and supports start up behavior regardless of corporate size. It is designed to measure and increase the value of work for any individual from the CEO to an intern. The internal or external customer is at the center of value creation. A DMS produces the most valuable digital data – the work and its value.

Simplifies Managing

CollabWorks has developed the pioneering DMS software. We call it FrameWork since it simplifies managing work. Our patent pending technology applies to all forms of work and any type of talent or organization.

Motivate Individuals

The process is designed to motivate each individual and group to address their customers and improve or replace lower value work with higher value work. This process leads to greater margin contribution per employee and a more scalable and adaptable organization.

FrameWork Architecture

FrameWork applies to any kind of work or worker and any organization. The value of work can be reduced to a mathematical model that captures the value of each service and each individual that then can be aggregated and correlated with financial performance. In this way the performance of the organization is now transparent – providing a powerful feedback for resource decision making.

How it Works

There are three steps to implementing Framework:

1. Active Assessment™

This first step takes about 15 minutes for the user to describe their perceptions of their work, use of talent, and workplace.

2. Service (Work) Profile

The users fill out their work profile describing the services (work) they perform, the customer(s) that benefit, and the relative value of each service. First draft takes about 30 minutes.

3. Ongoing Transformation

Once the current service profile is described, the user creates one or more plans describing how to better prioritize and improve the value of their work. This is done typically quarterly and takes 15-30 minutes.

FrameWork Features

FrameWork simplifies managing by empowering each individual to own the testosterone enanthate online responsibility for managing their customers’ experience and needs. Less managing produces fewer meetings, fewer processes, and improves accountability and engagement.

  • Self–assessment and Feedback
  • Continuous Improvement (Change)
  • OKRs (Objectives) and Prioritization
  • Digitization of Services and Use of Talent
  • 1-1 Communication Process (review)
  • Performance and Adaptability Metrics
  • Reports and Data Analytics
  • Gamification