Use of Intelligence in Teaching and Learning

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Intelligence, like many other psychological terms, is not easily definable in terms that are universally acceptable.According to dictionary definitions, intelligence may mean either the power of understanding, the intellect as endowment, the capacity to know or comprehend, or mental acuten

Use of intelligence in teaching and learning!

Stern defines intelligence as “a general capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements; it is general mental adaptability to new problems and conditions of life.” Other psychologists use the term intelligence to mean native ability natural brightness, or inborn capacity that determines the acquisition of learning.

Terman thinks of it as “ability learns in terms of abstract ideas.” To Colvin, “an individual possesses intelligence insofar as he has learned, or can learn to adjust himself to his environment.”

According to Binet, a French psychologist, “intelligence is not a simple quality or power, but a complex of abilities.”

To Binet the characteristics of general intelligence are its tendency to take and maintain a definite direction, the capacity of adaptation for the attainment of a desired end, and the power of auto-criticism.

To Stagner and Karwoski, “intelligence refers to learning ability, ability to manipulate abstract symbols, ability to see learning in new situations, and ability to solve problems.” Thurstone describes intelligence in terms of seven primary abilities or factors, namely:

(1) Ability to deal with space,

(2) Ability to solve problems,

(3) Ability to understand ideas expressed in words,

(4) Ability to write and talk easily,

(5) Ability to perform numerical calculation,

(6) Ability to recognize likeness and differences, and

(7) Ability to recall past experiences.

Thurstone concluded that intelligence is both some general ability and a number of specific abilities. Intelligence is defined in terms of intelligence tests and aptitude test scores. Intelligence tests are valuable aids in helping us identify slow learning, average, and rapid learning children.

Thorndike classified intelligence into three general types, namely:

1. Abstract,

2. Concrete or mechanical, and

3. Social.

Abstract intelligence refers to the capacity to respond to symbols of various sorts, such as words, numbers, letters, literacy words, and the like. Concrete or mechanical intelligence refers to the capacity to manipulate and to deal with things such as mech­anical contrivances, arts, and music.

It is the ability to comprehend actual concrete situations and react adequately to them. Social intelligence refers to the capacity to deal with other people or with groups. Many psychologists and educa­tional writers believe that these three types given by Thorndike are positively related to one another and exist in varying degrees in each individual.

While differences are apparent in definitions and descriptions, authors and experimenters all agree that intelligence is a capacity for acting; that it is a native capacity; that the capacity grows and matures with age during childhood and adolescence; and that on the average, the capacity becomes mature sometime between the fourteenth and sixteenth years of an individual’s life. Most psychologists place the age at somewhere between thirteen and eighteen.

It is generally accepted that individuals vary widely in the possession of intelligence. There are individuals who are very bright. Such groups of individuals are called geniuses with an I. Q. of above 140. There are those who are called bright or superior with an I. Q. of 120 to 140.

Those who are above average have an I. Q. of above 110 to below 120. There are those of average ability with an I. Q. of 90 to 110.

Individuals who are with below average ability are either border line cases with an I. Q. of about 90, dull with an I. Q. of from 70 to 90, morons with an I. Q. of 50 to 70, imbeciles with an I. Q. of 20 to 50, and idiots with an I. Q. of 20 or less.

The I. Q. is a function of both heredity and environment. The majority of our school population have no doubt, average intelligence. The different theories of intelligence point out the import­ance and functions of intelligence in gaining knowledge of the pupils or students and in teaching.

Whatever technique of teaching is to be used by the teacher, the part that intelligence plays in the education of the learner must be considered. As far as teaching and learning are concerned, the true function of intelligence is what the child or pupil can do for the teachers and psychologists, general intelligence and ability to learn are very important. Teaching and learning processes are conditioned by intelligence.

Both activities must meet certain conditions if they are to take place successfully. Learning is impossible without intelligence. In other words, intelligence is the basis of learning. The effectiveness of learning is conditioned by the degree of intelligence.

It is an accepted fact that students with high intelligence are easier to teach or to direct and guide than students with low intelligence. Teaching- methods or procedures involving higher degree of thinking and reasoning can be utilized in teaching bright students.

They also need less amount of drill work. Likewise, it is an accepted principle that the higher the intelligence, the greater the ability of learning; hence, the greater the amount of learning or achievement, or earning higher grades.

It is therefore possible that a student with high intelligence can obtain good grades in school, college or university with an average of time and energy. The effectiveness of teaching and learning is conditioned by intelligence. Quality education can be easily achieved in this- country if we have high selected students. In other words, to- demand high quality education is to educate only the elite group.
